It is the highest level since the Intercontinental Exchange ( ICE) started publishing position data in early 2011. 这是自洲际交易所(IntercontinentalExchange)2011年初开始发布交易头寸数据以来的最高水平。
Click with the left mouse button small animals exchange position, the same three small animals can be linked to elimination. 用鼠标左键点击小动物交换位置,相同的三个小动物相连即可消去。
For a country that needs to finance a$ 40bn current account deficit, equal to 3.4 per cent of GDP, India cannot be quite as cavalier about its foreign exchange position as it was in the boom times. 对于一个需要为其400亿美元经常账户赤字(相当于国内生产总值的3.4%)提供融资的国家来说,印度不可能再和繁荣时期那样,对其外汇头寸漫不经心。
[ We] believe a commodities exchange will further strengthen Hong Kong's position as a pre-eminent international financial centre. (我们)相信拥有一家商品交易所,将进一步增强香港作为卓越的国际金融中心的地位。
And the central bank's legs before and after the brokerage announced a helping hand so that the financial sector on the Exchange's position renewable suspicion. 与之前和之后的券商宣布了援助之手,使央行的腿,与外汇的立场可再生怀疑的金融部门。
In short, the members of the New York Stock Exchange are no longer in a position to share the wealth. 简而言之,纽约证券交易所的成员不能再象从前那样轻易分得财富了。
Hedging amount shall be examined and approved by the exchange according to the spot position, credit status and market situations of the hedging applicant. 套期保值额度由交易所根据套期保值申请人的现货头寸、资信状况和市场情况审批。
The exchange may formulate and adjust the position reporting standards based on the market risk status. 交易所可以根据市场风险状况,制定并调整持仓报告标准。
Can midfielder venue, can exchange the position of two teams rattled exchange; 能中场交换比赛场地时,能交换两队比分的位置;
Exchange a position in the private sector for a post in government. 为谋政府公职而放弃私人公司的职位。
Where the an exchange carriesy out compulsory closing position for the contract of the member and where losses occur, the accounting disposal of the losses shall be the same with that of normal closing position. 交易所对会员合约实施强制平仓时,若为平仓亏损,其会计处理与正常平仓时的亏损相同。
Mr Allen alleges that Dreyfus "intentionally manipulated and artificially inflated" the price of futures on the new York-based ice cotton exchange by building a bullish position in the market at substantially higher prices than those prevailing in the physical market. 阿伦指控称,通过在大大高于实物市场主导价格的高价上构建看涨头寸,路易达孚“蓄意操纵并人为推高了”位于纽约的美国洲际交易所(intercontinentalexchange,简称ice)的棉花期货价格。
Serious to wearing away place, except adopt outside trying to protect with covering, still can exchange the position is used. 对磨损严重的部位,除采取用覆盖物加以保护外,还可调换位置使用。
As a supplementary method, the exchange position method of teaching helps students not only to better understand what they have learned but to develop their ability of independent thinking, ability of research, ability of expressing themselves and the spirit of decisiveness. 换位教学法是值得尝试的一种辅助性教学方法,它不仅可以加深学生对所学知识的理解,而且可以培养和锻炼学生的独立思考能力、科研能力、表达能力以及果敢精神。
Exchange rate theory holds an unchallengeable basic position in the international macroeconomics. 在国际宏观经济学领域,汇率理论的基础地位是无可争辩的。
This system uses the advanced dynamic video coding and decoding technology and has realized a new pattern of face-to-face exchange between the different geographical position and various city-level meteorological bureau and the province meteorological bureau through the Guangxi meteorology department newly built SDH digital circuit broad-band network platform. 该系统利用当今先进的动态视频编解码技术并通过广西气象部门新建SDH数字电路宽带网络平台实现了区内不同地理位置各市气象局与区局面对面交流的全新模式。
Second, the exchange is in the dominant and special position during the whole dealing. 二是,交易所在整个期货交易中属于主导的特殊地位;
BBS, an important garden plot where the university students find out information, publish speech and exchange thought, becomes the new position of university ideological education. BBS是当代大学生了解信息、发表言论、交流思想的重要园地,已经成为当代高校思想教育的新阵地。
Characteristics of Gas Exchange and Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Different Position Leaves at Booting Stage in Rice Plants 水稻孕穗期不同叶位叶片的气体交换与叶绿素荧光特性
The online steel exchange platform can change the position of the steel trader in the whole supply flow, and wish to serve for the final customer. 构建网上钢铁交易平台,可以改变钢铁厂商在供货链中的作用,以期望直接服务于最终用户。
The Characteristics of the International Exchange and Its Function and Position 国际交换的特点及其在图书馆的作用和地位&兼谈我馆国际交换现状及建议
Design of exchange position machine for weiding storage of air with MAG Robot 弧焊机器人焊接贮气筒的变位机设计
Z type incision, and double triangle skin graft exchange their position combined with double eyelid operation were used for the treatment of epicanthus. 采用Z形切开,双三角皮瓣转位联合双重睑成形术矫正内眦赘皮。
Apply Pro/ ENGINEER assembly simulation technology to realize the exchange of position and movement of assembly parts; 应用Pro/ENGINEER装配仿真技术,实现了装配零件位姿和运动变换;
Marxist theory of communication emphasizes the interaction between the subjects in practice. The social practice determines the feature of the communication and the material exchange holds the central and basic position in all the communications. 马克思主义的交往理论重视实践中主体间的交往关系,社会实践赋予交往行为特性,物质交往在全部交往行为中具有中心和基础地位。
Ponder on Exchange the Position& Discuss to the Effect of Education of Political Thought 换位思考&谈思想政治教育效果
Textile and garment industry plays an important role in employment, foreign exchange reserves, stability of RMB exchange rate and occupy an important position in national economic development. 纺织服装行业在吸纳就业人口、增加外汇储备和维持人民币汇率稳定等方面发挥着重要作用,在国民经济发展中占据着重要地位。
The network construction bureau put forward the basic program, and gives the network topology network bureau, this stage key technology is placed in the soft exchange bureau of the position. 提出端局网络建设基本方案,并给出端局网络组网拓扑图,此阶段关键技术在于把软交换置于端局位置。
Focus on education of teachers in how to read the theory, namely that the methods and experience problems, exchange problems, the problem position. 本章特别提出了阅读教育理论的批判反思策略,即提出方法问题、体验问题、交流问题、立场问题。第五章进一步分析了教师进行批判反思的条件策略。
The internet of things uses the sensor network, RFID and other devices to connect all the things with internet so as to exchange information and realize identification, position, monitoring and management. 物联网通过传感网络、射频识别等设备,将物体与互联网相连进行通信,实现对物体的识别、定位、监控和管理。